Wednesday, February 16, 2011

6 months!!!

Our little Sawyer is 6 months (on the 9th) man how the time flies!!!

Here are her stats:
Length: 25.5 inches (38th %tile)
Weight: 16.5 inches (40th %tile)
Head: 13 inches (50th %tile)

As you can see she is just a little thing! We like to call her a little Kari.
  • She loves to jibber jabber
  • She rolls all over the place
  • She actually likes rice cereal actually oatmeal
  • She loves to get attention
  • Hates the sitting position...she will arch her back and go straight in her bumbo
  • She puts anything and everything in her mouth
  • She loves her brother, her eyes light up when he comes and talks to her

We love her so much and could not imagine life with out her!!

Some oatmeal cereal pics!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Tonight turned out to be a great night!
Ordered some Chinese take out
Grandma and Pa stopped by to bring Clate and Sawyer a Valentine and a cookie:)
Watched the Little Mermaid and hung out as a fam...

Although we didn't do anything extravagant today I feel very lucky! I love Marcus and our two little ones and the time we were able to spend together tonight.
Playing with the kiddos

Our Yummy cookies

Clate loves to have people try to "steal"
his binky (yes...he still has a binky, hopefully we'll get rid of it when he's 2)
he was even more excited when Sawyer would try to take it from him.
He loves it when Sawyer tries to play with him, it is so cute:)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Crazy Clate

Yesterday Clate had quite an accidental day.

RoUnD 1: We went and Hadlee lunch at Grammy Ellie's class room and Clate had a little wipe out and skinned the tip of his nose.

RoUnD 2:Later we went to Grammy's house and he was being his crazy self and trying to walk on Grammy's table and well he fell off head first. Luckily he hit the wall first it kind of broke his fall and is definitley softer than the tile.

RoUnD 3: Later he was running around doing laps...when he runs he really concentrates on pumping his arm (yes, only one arm pumps) and is not always looking where he is going and ran right smack dab into the wall (and yes...this happens often). Goose egg

RoUnD 4: He was standing on a little step stool and was trying to get a cookie off the counter, the stool tipped and he went flying and hit his nose again! He then got a bloody nose.

RoUnD 5: And if you thought his poor nose hadn't taken a big of enough beating he fell of the bed and hit it again..with only minimal bleeding!

Here is a picture of him today the picture makes it look pretty good. Hopefully our little RuDoLpH has a little better day.

The following picture is the bathroom after Clate had decided to try and flood it by using the cup in the bath and dump it all over the floor all in a bout 60 seconds! I just had to put a diaper on Sawyer so she wouldn't pee on the floor, and I came back to find this. I think it took about 5 or 6 towels plus the rug in the bathroom to soak it all up;) I guess it taught be a valuable lesson...KEEP CUP AWAY FROM CLATE;)

Tupe and Rolls

So I thought I would post some picks to show off Sawyers Tupe and Rolls. The pictures don't quite do them justice, but the Tupe is quite awful and the rolls are getting rolly!

We love our Sawyer!

Here are her legs they really do have rolls, but I think She
was a little embarrassed to show them off!

Don't you love the Tupe?