Monday, August 15, 2011

Sawyer's Party Pics and a few others:)

We had a great time doing a little birthday party for Sawyer. We made mini pizzas with all the cousins, and family that came. Then we visited, ate some cake and ice cream and opened gifts. I was really exited to see how Sawyer would react to her cake, because Clate's reaction to his on his birthday was not too exciting. Sherod ended up showing his face in the cake...ha ha Uncle love. Sawyer was the exact opposite, she dove right in, loving every bite, not wanting to share:)

Riding on her new bike from Uncle Ross and Aunt Sarah
Aunt Sarah and Uncle Rico aka Ross

Keeping it all to herself

First bite

Reaching for it, and Clate blowing out the candle

Grandpa Lemieux and Sawyer
Hadlee, Jackson, and Avery

One of her many gifts

Sawyer throwing a tantrum

Last week after church this is what Marc decided to wear...NERD alert
Last Sunday we tried to let Clate skip a nap this is how it ended...

he never quite made it all the way up before he fell asleep

Yes...we did grow this Watermelon in our garden:)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sawyer is 1!!!!

My Little girl is 1! I can't believe how time has flown. We love this little one sooooo much!!! She is such a sweet little thing (when she is not throwing a tantrum)
Here are some fun things about Sawyer....
  • She has 1 tooth, right now she is known as "snaggle tooth" it is her top left tooth...whats even funnier is that we think her bottom right tooth will be her next one how funny will that be
  • She definitely has ATTITUDE, or as Papa Hardt says she has SpUnK (and according to him thats a great quality:) )
  • She is a DRAMA Queen...she can turn the cry on and off in a matter of seconds
  • When she gets mad she headbutts anything and everything (watch your teeth and face, she shows no mercy)
  • She has taken a few steps, but not quite walking hopefully soon:)
  • She says "momma and dadda"
  • She is a snuggly bug, you pick her up or pass her to someone else she just wraps around ya
  • She eats a lot, but is a skinny minny
  • She absolutely loves Clate...when I get out of bed in the morning and those 2 are still sleeping I can go back and check on them and they snuggle up and are usually holding makes me so happy:)
  • She finally likes Marcus, but will not sleep for him
  • She loves animals, but hates to touch them
  • She ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY hates her crib/room...she could be dead asleep and you step one foot in her room and she immediately wakes up and screams and cry's and will not go to sleep in that room. She has cried for 2 hours straight and would still not sleep:) SpUnK?
  • She has managed to escape out of her crib
  • Loves to swim and bathe
  • Unlike her mommy she loves chocolate...she loves to eat oreos with daddy
  • She loves "patty cake"
  • She is a dancing queen, will dance to any type of music she hears. It is Precious!!!
  • We love her to pieces