We had a great time doing a little birthday party for Sawyer. We made mini pizzas with all the cousins, and family that came. Then we visited, ate some cake and ice cream and opened gifts. I was really exited to see how Sawyer would react to her cake, because Clate's reaction to his on his birthday was not too exciting. Sherod ended up showing his face in the cake...ha ha Uncle love. Sawyer was the exact opposite, she dove right in, loving every bite, not wanting to share:)
Yes...we did grow this Watermelon in our garden:)
Can't believe Sawyer is one. Serioulsy. What the crap. She is darling and so big. It makes me sad that I am not around her as much and she really isn't going to be know me but what can you do. Love the pic of Clate asleep on the chair. That is so a Clate picture. Always busy doing something and then CRASH anywhere will do. And the watermelon, wow. I am pretty stinkin proud of you guys for one growing a garden and two actually getting quality produce. You should have seen our garden this year. HAHAHAHAHA...it was pathetic. It was me, Nicole and Kathryn. We just let it die. Miss you guys.