Friday, September 9, 2011

pInK sPaGhEtTi

So you might be asking what the heck is pink spaghetti AKA "skettis?" Well it is a Hardt family secret recipe that is quite simple, consisting of noodles, tomato sauce and some butter. You might be thinking that sounds GROSS, but it is amazing. We have had many friends and family who didn't like the idea at first, then we make em' try it and I am pretty sure they LOVE it! I must admit we eat it almost everyday (yes we are cheap), but the kids can't live with out it. Here are some pictures of Sawyer chowing down her "sketti!" If you are skeptic...come over and I will make it for you, and make you a believer:)
Isn't she cute?
Sometimes the kids get a bit messy while eating it:)

Lovin' Lunch


  1. So funny. I remember you guys talking about that when you were little(ish) but I never knew what it was.
