Thursday, October 29, 2009

Clate is all grown up and scooting!

Clate is growing up just so stinkin fast! I love it but also hate it at the same time. He has started to scoot and crawl. He will crawl a little on his hands and knees before he plops down and leap frogs along. I love watching him move around its so funny, and each day he moves a little faster. Here is the first video of him doing a little crawling before going to his little scoot. As you might be able to tell I was so proud and wasn't expecting him to crawl!

He has now been pulling himself up and standing there, then lets go! He is a stinkin nut!

This is him doing his latest trick...he tries to stand up without help
This is him doing it again I think this picture is so cute!

Carrot face:)

Hadlee Update

So on Monday little miss Hadlee went in for her 5th surgery, which ended quite a but better then we had thought. When my parents took Hadlee in on Monday they saw a different doctor than before, and this doctor offered quite a bit of relief to my parents especially my mom, he told them that if her wounds still looked really clean and there was no sign of infection he would be able to stitch her back up. Which was great news to hear because we were told that they would never be able to stitch her up again, and she would have to heal on her own.

Once Hadlee was knocked out they checked her wounds and there was no sign of infection so they were able to stitch her up for the most part, as well as cut of some scarring that had taken place that needed to be cleaned up. All 9 puncture wounds were stitch up completely, the three really deep and big wounds were partially stitched up. They had to leave some openings, in which they placed more gauze in to help keep out infection. And they also put her on some very strong antibiotics. Which have been a killer trying to get them down her!! First off lets just say they had to try to add some flavoring to it to try mask the taste and smell...but its not possible these meds are awful! At first we tried our normal trick of putting them in her bottle, in smoothies or in ice cream...but there is no way to hide the nasty taste! I feel so bad for Hadlee every time we have to pin her down and force her to drink it.

On Wednesday my mom and I took Had to the doctor so they could check her wounds to make sure there was no infection...and we are happy so far so good!!! We have to keep forcing the meds and change her dressing each day, and go visit the doctors once or twice a week for who knows how long. And most importantly pray that the infection does not come back!
Today after her bath

Mom had to straighten her hair for the day...Isn't she cute?

Monday, October 19, 2009

My poor baby sis...

The last 5 days at the Hardt house has been a little crazy. My poor little sister Hadlee was attacked by a dog on Wednesday the 14th. The poor little girl has been through so much in less than a week. Within 2 seconds of her getting attacked my dad grabbed her and rushed her out to the car, my mom grabbed the keys and followed. They rushed her to Mercy Gilbert ER where the Doctors told them they couldn't stitch her up and that she needed to get to Phoenix Childrens ASAP. My parents rushed her there where they operated on her around 1am. She had two really deep wounds that required three layers of stitching as well as some bonding stuff. She had quite a few puncture wounds that also required stitches. She was in surgery for about 1 1/2 hours. After waking up from the anastesia (not quite sure how to spell) she was able to come home around 4am. That next morning we were all so sad but thankful at the same time. We were so happy that she was still here with us. We were also glad to see that her face looked a lot better stitched up. The following picture is pretty gross but doesn't look quite as bad as it did in phone camera is that great.

Before surgeryAfter surgery...the cut that goes from her lip down went all the way through:(

Well on Friday morning we decided we would call a pediatric plastic surgeon to see what he thought about the stitching and scarring. We called the office and told them what happened and the doctor said he wanted to see her that day. My mom took her in just or a little check up. We must say we are so thankful that the doctor wanted to see her ASAP. As soon as they walked in the nurse asked a few questions about Hadlee's face and quickly got the doctor. The doctor took one look and said he needed to poke at the wounds. The wounds were infected and he said he needed to do surgery ASAP. The nurse walked them across the street to the hospital and they began prepping her for surgery #2. They knocked her out and cleaned re-opened all of the stitches and cleaned out the wounds. They then packed the wounds with meds and gauze, taped her and wrapped her up then sent her home. Then said she would have to come back for surgery three today.
After surgery#2 man she was quite the character she loved to boss everyone around! I'm pretty sure she is yelling at me telling me NO, NO, NO she isn't a fan of pics.

So she went in for surgery three today, and her big cuts were still infected. They cleaned them again and packed them with gauze, and hope it goes away by Wednesday or Thursday before she does surgery #4.

picture from today the only one I could get

Hadlee is so amazing she is so stinkin' tough! She doesn't really cry just gets a little angry! We love her so much and can't wait until this awful nightmare is over! We are also so thankful that it is not any worse than it has been. I would also like to thank everyone for their love and kindness...and all the goodies:)

Friday, October 9, 2009

6 MONTHS!!!!

My little man is six months old today! I can't believe how fast it goes by...he's half way to one! Clate has been such a blessing to our lives, we love him so much:)

Some things about Clate

  • He lOVeS attention
  • Likes to wREsTLe
  • GrABs your cheeks and cHEwS on your face
  • He gRoWlS
  • EaTs and EaTs and EaTs
  • Has slEPt through the night OnE tIMe his whole life (I forgot what it felt like to sleep all night...AmAzInG...too bad it has only happened once)
  • Is trying to cRAwL...he gets on all fours and RocKs
  • LoVEs the OuTDooRS
  • gIggLes when you TiCkLE him
  • lOVeS to dANcE
  • He CaN'T get enough of all four gRAndPaRenTS
  • sits in his bUMbO and helps with the DiSHes
  • He is such a GrEaT bOy...

Here is a picture of him today...wanting to crawl
Yes...he does have man boobs:)

Last weekend we got to go up to the cabin to watch conference. We had a lot of fun relaxing and enjoying the nice weather. Oh and conference was great!
Sorry for the poor quality we did the camera timer

Clate and I on the bridge over the pond!

Uncle Nate playing peek-a-boo

Marcus and Clate on riding Hildalgo

I think Clate is a little scared of the creeper in the background...ha ha

Happy boy in his new beanie that Marcus bought him

Snoozin during conference I think he learned that from his dad

The boys

Nates masterpiece

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Blanding Trip

This last weekend we were able to get out of this heat and head up to Blanding, Utah. We went up to see Aspyn get blessed, and also to Nicole's wedding. We had a lot of fun! We are so thankful to all of the Ivins families for being so kind to us and doing a great job of pretending to like us;) Ha Ha Thanks for letting us crash in on all the parties. Thanks to Shawn and Kathryn for letting us stay at your was much better than the super 8! We had a great time and hopefully we'll get to see everyone soon.

We did a ot of party crashing, but we did some exploring as well. We went on a very long drive one morning...we went and saw canyon lands, newspaper rock, and drove the mountain road back to Blanding. My favorite part was seeing all of the leaves changing colors. I miss seasons so bad...especially fall, I love the crisp mountain air! We took some pictures by some colorful trees. I wish we could have got one of all three of us.

Clate after the blessing
Clate snoozin in the grass

Marcus trying to catch some you can see it didn't go as he planned


He loved the leaves!

Me and Clate

As you can see we got a little confused we couldn't find the camera

This is 1 second before he fell flat on his face and rolled down the hill...way to go dad

Tough Guys

My two favorite boys!

Clate and Daddy