Friday, October 9, 2009

6 MONTHS!!!!

My little man is six months old today! I can't believe how fast it goes by...he's half way to one! Clate has been such a blessing to our lives, we love him so much:)

Some things about Clate

  • He lOVeS attention
  • Likes to wREsTLe
  • GrABs your cheeks and cHEwS on your face
  • He gRoWlS
  • EaTs and EaTs and EaTs
  • Has slEPt through the night OnE tIMe his whole life (I forgot what it felt like to sleep all night...AmAzInG...too bad it has only happened once)
  • Is trying to cRAwL...he gets on all fours and RocKs
  • LoVEs the OuTDooRS
  • gIggLes when you TiCkLE him
  • lOVeS to dANcE
  • He CaN'T get enough of all four gRAndPaRenTS
  • sits in his bUMbO and helps with the DiSHes
  • He is such a GrEaT bOy...

Here is a picture of him today...wanting to crawl
Yes...he does have man boobs:)

Last weekend we got to go up to the cabin to watch conference. We had a lot of fun relaxing and enjoying the nice weather. Oh and conference was great!
Sorry for the poor quality we did the camera timer

Clate and I on the bridge over the pond!

Uncle Nate playing peek-a-boo

Marcus and Clate on riding Hildalgo

I think Clate is a little scared of the creeper in the background...ha ha

Happy boy in his new beanie that Marcus bought him

Snoozin during conference I think he learned that from his dad

The boys

Nates masterpiece


  1. He is getting so big!! I need to see him soon before he gets much bigger!! You guys need to come to TX and see us!! I miss you guys!!!

  2. I'm great! How are you?? I'm glad you found me!! I didn't know you had a blog! Your little guy is SO cute! I'm excited to be able to keep up with you now!

  3. I love his man boobs! He's so cute. I swear you just had him.
